We look forward to improving communities through an increased urban canopy, while simultaneously mitigating carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to create cleaner neighbourhoods.

Municipalities across the country are experiencing a major gap in urban canopies as trees planted 50-100 years ago are declining and being removed. In many cases, fewer and smaller trees are being planted to replace these trees, reducing the benefits offered by larger trees. Large trees are particularly valuable, absorbing up to 36 times more air pollutants and storing up to 291 times more carbon than smaller trees. It is extremely important mature trees are planted and maintained within municipalities to counteract the hundreds of mature trees being removed every year. We are working hard to educate and create strategies to develop, continue and promote sustainable urban canopy projects for future generations.

“A lot of the work that I do shows that people are not really gaining a big benefit by going to Yosemite. It’s really about having trees as part of our everyday lives.”
~Peter James, Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Health Environmental Health, Harvard.
As a tree grows, its benefits grow, meaning the larger the tree the bigger the impact on air purification, water conservation, carbon sequestration, and more.